Read Acoustic Guitar Tabs fast

Read Acoustic Guitar Tabs are a method to improve reading music. There are six-string on it. It’s applicable for Fingerstyle Guitar, Plectrum Guitar, Jazz Guitar, etc., with six strings. For tab notations, only numbers are from 1 to 24. It denotes only the strings and frets numbers. To read the Guitar tab, you can remember some of the musical notes. We should read music like poetry, not like a story. Every poetry has its own “rhythm.” Rhythm is a structure of repeating sounds at a specific time. A small section of music(vertical lines) that contains a certain number of beats at a particular time is called “BAR.” That means container Bar has music in a Time. The bar is divided piece into small sections. At a microscopic level, we must think about “beat per beat” or note per note. Understanding the structure of one single message can help you read guitar tabs faster. Spaces or intervals between two letters also represent some symbols. A basic understanding of BAR, RHYTHM, and Beat can help us learn acoustic guitar tabs more easily.

Here are the four steps to Read Acoustic Guitar Tabs

Acoustic Guitar Tabs must read from left to right like a newspaper. In tab notation, there are mainly three things Note Acoustic Guitar Tabs must read from left to right like a newspaper. In tab notation, there are mainly three things Note value, Rest stroke, and techniques. Later in this post, we will discuss symbols such as Note value, rest stroke, and some methods. Now, we are talking about four simple steps to read guitar tabs.

Four Steps To Read Notation

1. Find String Number: It needs to identify the STRINGS first. When you start to read notations, first think about String’s number, not fret.

Tab 1

Example: As shown in tab 1, we must think about the 5th string first.

2. Find Fret Number: Choose the fret which is given to the notations. Do not try to rush. Try to see the fretboard without having fingers on it. Position marks on the fretboard can make it easy.

Tab 2

Example: After choosing the 5th string, now we can see the 3rd fret to play according to Tab 2.

3Left-Hand Finger: The left hand is ready to grab the guitar neck. Try to push the string towards the fretboard with low pressure. Making a clean sound with low pressure can be the trick to avoiding left-hand pain.

 Left-Hand Finger

Example: Place the left hand’s finger on the 3rd fret as shown in Tab 3. Remember, for any fret to play on the fretboard the finger must be on near the edge of a fret(not the middle of any fret).

4. Right-Hand Stroke: In the guitar, we have only two strokes. In guitar, Playing downstroke and upstroke one after another it’s eventually called alternate picking. So after completing those three steps, we are ready to play the stroke.

Right-Hand Stroke

Example: Stroke must be alternate as shown in Tab 4.

In conclusion, Those four steps help us read guitar tab notes and practical playing. Further in this post, we are going to discuss some musical symbols.

What are the similarities and differences between reading guitar tabs and staff notation?

Let’s start with similarities:

1. Both notations can help us to read music.

2. Symbols are similar between the two notation methods.

3. These two methods demonstrate the value of the notes.

4. Bars are a common element of acoustic guitar tabs and staff notations.

Differences between Guitar Tabs and Staff Notation:


Guitar TabsStaff Notation
1. It has 6 lines and 5 spaces.1. It has 5 lines and 4 spaces.
2. Lines represent the guitar’s open strings and spaces show a gap between them.2. In staff, lines and spaces represent musical notes.
3. It does not have any musical clef.3. It has a treble clef, tenor clef, bass clef, etc.
4. Those numbers on the string help us play fret.4. In staff, no number helps us to play fret. The spaces and lines represent notes.
5. Guitar tabs are only used for playing the guitar.5. Staff notations can be used for any musical instrument worldwide.
Differences Between Guitar Tabs and Stuff Notation

Both musical reading systems can help us to improve our playing. Daily 30-45 mins are enough for reading music. Try not to play the whole sheet in a day. Try to break down that sheet Bar by Bar for play. One or two musical bars are enough for beginners to start practising in a day. In the beginning, Guitar tabs are easy to read than for the staff. But if you are a pianist you must start with Stuff notation.

12 Most Important symbols in Tab Notation

Tab notation is a musical language which generally used for strings instruments. Guitar, ukulele, violin, etc., can write in tab notations. It is easy to read.
In tab notations, many symbols represent how the musical piece is to play. Here we are discussing 12 important symbols for tab notation.

1. Down-Stroke: This symbol, “ח” represents a down-stroke. The motion of our right hand must go towards gravity when we hit the strings.


2 . V symbol: V symbol indicate to play up-stroke. In guitar, there is only two-stroke up and down. The motion of our right hand must go against gravity or upwards when we hit the strings.

Crotchet Rest

3. Crotchet Rest: This symbol means one beat rest. In music, there are lots of rest beats. Those symbols represent keeping silent or not playing anything.


4. Tie: The tie symbol indicates holding sound for the next beat without playing the note.  

4/4 Time Signature

5. Time signature: 4/4 means 4 beats are to play in a BAR. We can see it on the upper left side of any musical notation.3/4,7/8,2/4, etc. Those are different time signatures in music.

Repeating Bar

6. Repeating Bar: ‘||: :||’ this symbol is known for repeating bars in music. Like a bracket, it can repeat the phrase from start to end two or more times according to the notation.

Up slide

7. Up slide: This Up slide symbol or “sl.” It is signified as an up-slide. The slide is a technique that can create a smooth sound. A guitar slide can be performed from one fret to another on the same string. According to the picture, this guitar slide is playing from the 5th fret to the 6th fret. If the technique goes upwards from the below, we can call it an up-slide.

Down slide

8. Down slide: This downwards symbol represents a downslide. The slide is a technique that can create a smooth sound. A guitar slide can be performed from one fret to another on the same string. According to the picture, this guitar slide is playing from the 6th fret to the 5th fret. It is also called a backward slide.

Crotchet note

9. Crotchet Note: | This symbol denotes 1 note in a beat to play. In musical terms, we can call it Crotchet Note. In 4/4 time signature, four crotchet note makes a bar completed.

Quaver Note

10. Quaver Note: This “|_|” or ” ∟” symbol indicates playing two notes in a beat. In musical terms, we can also call Quaver Note.


11. Minim: This small ” ” symbol denotes the value of 2 beats for a note. In musical terms, we can call it Minim or half note. It means to play the note first and sustain the sound for the next beat. It has a smaller line than the crotchet beat.

Repeat One Bar

12. Repeat One Bar: This symbol is for repeating the last bar in music. If the previous bar shows a small music section, it will be the same without changing notes. We also see this symbol in a chord progression.

Will learning guitar tabs help me improve at learning other tabs/playing melodies?

Yes, it will. Without remembering any notes, anybody can play guitar by learning tabs only. It is an ongoing process. For The first couple of weeks, reading the notation may be difficult. Try to play some easy songs like ‘happy birthday, ‘twinkle twinkle,’ and ‘we shall overcome even though you are an intermediate guitar player.

In conclusion,

Reading Acoustic Guitar tabs helps to play guitar faster. It must have taken some time to master it. Like other languages, it also has some symbols. Those symbols stand for sound or silence. Following this for 30 – 40 min every day for 3 months helps you read tabs more fluently. It is an ongoing process. Keep patience with everything. Thank you.

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