Augmented Dominant Seventh Chord

In music, the augmented dominant seventh chord is always used as a passing chord. It is not a pedal tone or main chord for a musical piece. The chord acts as a bridge between two chords. It can be used from major to minor or minor to major. Some of the chord diagrams show below.

Augmented dominant seventh chord diagram for guitar position 1

Here we can see all the chords for the guitar. It can use for a piano or any Instrument as well. Just play those notes together. Do not change any musical note respective to the chord. Some of the chord diagrams show below.

Augmented dominant seventh chord diagram for guitar position 2

Alternatively, it can be applied as a substitute chord. Note construction for any augmented chord makes the sound of the chord unique. It creates an unpleasant or dissonance sound. The chord’s sound is unique, as it differs from major and minor chords.

Augmented dominant seventh interval

Augmented dominant seventh chord diagram for guitar position 3

The Augmented dominant seventh interval is a major 3rd, sharp 5th and flat 5th. It is rare to see in music that a flat 5th note creates a chord. Four notes need to make an augmented dominant seventh chord.

Twelve dominant 7th chords we can find in music. It is a tetrad chord. A tetrad chord requires four notes to make a chord in music.

Augmented dominant seventh chord formula

Root+Major 3rd+Sharp 5th+Flat 7th.

Ex. C + E + G# + Bb.

We need step two to create an augmented dominant seventh chord


Root: Name of the chord.

Ex: C augmented dominant seventh chord or C+7.

Here we create C augmented dominant seventh chord, so C is the chord’s root.


Find major major 3rd note from C major scale. .

Here we take the C Major scale, so we need to find B major scale.

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.

The third note from the major scale is E.

Step 3

Sharp 5th note from the scale.

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.

We see G is the 5th note of the C major scale. Here G# is the 3rd note,

Step 4

Find a flat 7th or dominant 7th note.

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.

We see B is the 7th note. So flat 7th means Bb.

The notes of C augmented dominant seventh chord or C+7 are C, E , G#, Bb.

so we know C augmented dominant seventh can be written as C+7.

Step by step augmented dominant seventh chord.

Note: Every note must be relative to the Root key.

All augmented dominant seventh chord or +7 chord

NameRootMajor3rdSharp 5thFlat 7th
A+7 or Aaug7AC#FG
B+7 or Baug7BD#GA
C+7 or Caug7CEG#Bb
D+7 or Daug7DF#A#C
E+7 or Eaug7EG#CD
F+7 or Faug7FAC#Eb
G+7 or Gaug7GBD#F
G#+7 or G#aug7G#CEF#
Ab+7 or Abaug7AbCEGb
A#+7 or A#aug7A#DF#G#
Bb+7 or Bbaug7BbDGbAb
C#+7 or C#aug7C#FAB
Db+7or Dbaug7DbFAB
D#+7 or D#aug7D#GBC#
Eb+7 or Ebaug7EbGBDb
F#+7 or F#aug7F#A#DE
Gb+7 or Gbaug7GbBbDE
all augmented dominant seventh chord note

Differences between augmented chord and augmented dominant seventh chord

Augmented chord
Augmented dominant seventh chord
1. It is a tetrad chord. It needs four notes to make a chord.3. A scale with a sharp 5th and a flat 7th note can use to play lead over the chord.
3. A scale with sharp 5th and a flat 7th note can use to play lead over the chord.2. A modal scale with a sharp 5th and a major 7th note can use to play lead over the chord.
Differences between augmented chord and augmented dominant seventh chord

How to use augmented dominant seventh chord

The augmented dominant seventh chord can be used as an altered chord. It has a major-third note. It can replace a major chord. But it does note that C major chord changes into C augmented dominant seventh chord. It can make a horrible sound.

  1. We can change any dominant 7th chord into an augmented dominant seventh chord.
    Ex. D Major

A major chord is the dominant 7th chord of D major. So A major dominant 7th can be altered as A augmented dominant seventh chord.

2. It can be used as a bridge between the 5th chord and to 6th chord.

Ex. D Major
A major > A augmented dominant seventh chord> Bm.

What scale should we use over the augmented dominant seventh chord

We can use the whole Tone Scale, Phrygian dominant Scale, and super Locrian Scale over an augmented dominant seventh chord. Our target is choosing a scale with a Sharp 5th and a Flat 7th.

As an example, if we take D major Scale.

D Whole Tone Scale: D, E, F#, G#, A#, C, D.

D Phrygian dominant scale: D, Eb, Gb, G, A, Bb, C, D.

D super Locrian Scale: D, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, D.

In conclusion, an augmented dominant seventh chord is rarely used in music. Lots of music directors use this chord as background music.

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